Destination Wedding? How To Avoid Running Into Any Issues
More and more couples are choosing to opt for a destination wedding. After all, there’s nothing more magical than getting married abroad. From the beaches of Greece to a novelty ceremony in Vegas, the options are endless.
However, there are some important things to bear in mind before you walk down the aisle. Here are the things you need to look out for to avoid running into any issues.

For your destination wedding, check the weather
Depending on where you’re planning on tying the knot, it’s vital to check how the weather is looking for the time of year you decide upon. Consider things such as hurricanes and rainy seasons. However, Greece usually does not have extreme weather phenomenon in the summer seasons. But you’ll want to avoid bad weather at all costs. Especially if you’re planning an outdoor ceremony or reception.
Be sure of the rules and regulations for your destination wedding
There are certain norms in countries abroad when it comes to weddings, and you’ll want to research whether they’ll apply to you or not. Head to Scotland, for example, and you may witness the “blackening of the bride” – where the bride-to-be is pelted with rotten food. It’s said that if she can withstand this, she can withstand a lifetime of marriage.
If you don’t want to be a part of the stranger wedding customs around the world, be sure you can do something to avoid them. If they’re an important part of the culture, it may be more difficult to work around them. Nonetheless, many locals are forgiving and understanding.
Luckily you don’t have to worry about that if you’re getting married in Greece. Destination weddings in Greece are very popular and no one will expect you to stick to traditions. You can certainly have the wedding you have envisioned and the way you want it! However, if you do wish to include the fun Greek customs such as The Money Dance, you will surely love them all!

Choose a destination suitable for everyone
When choosing to get married abroad, you have to understand that some guests you want to be there may not be able to attend. It’s usually down to costs, but it could be the inconvenience of the timing. Remember, people may not be able to get the time off. Or other things such as fear of flying needing to be considered.
If necessary, choose somewhere that isn’t too far from home, but far enough away to feel like a holiday. If you really want people there with you, you’ll accommodate them as much as possible. Nonetheless, you should expect some people not to be able to attend.
Ensure things are as they were promised
There’s a lot more trust to invest when organising a wedding abroad, as you don’t want to arrive to disappointment. Be sure to get contracts signed and things set in writing to ensure you have something to fall back on should your wedding fall below your expectations.
Be sure to check online reviews and stories of the venue and vendors you’re potentially choosing. Do your research, read the articles from real brides and find recommendations. You want to make sure you’re heading somewhere and working with professionals you can trust. And testimonials are the best way to gain an insight into what kind of experience you’re likely to get.

Set your budget wisely
Last but not least, you’re going to want to stick to a strict budget when getting married abroad. A wedding at home isn’t cheap by any means, and this is increased tenfold when adding the factor of being abroad to the equation. So, make sure it’s affordable and you won’t be left out of pocket.
Sure, it’s meant to be the day of your dreams – but be sensible with it. You don’t want to empty your bank account for the sake of an expensive wedding, so a budget is absolutely paramount in this case.

This is a guest post.
Photo Credits:
Photography: Mneme Photography
Dress: Anna Tavoularidi
Hat: Kamar Hats
Location: Andros Island