Love comes in many forms and shapes and we all experience it differently.
For some of us it may mean that living without that person is simply an unbearable concept. And for others it could come in a different form of feelings. But how do you know you are truly in love?
Meeting your true love can be as unexpected as chatting with some stranger from another country or even from a different continent. Or you meet them just around the corner in your local bar or some event. No matter how far, true love always finds the way.

For us at Ellwed, true love is all that matters and before setting the date or asking your better half to marry you, you should be sure you are truly in love!
Fresh love
Being freshly in love can be super exciting if you just met that special someone! This could be the best moments in your relationship as all is still new, fresh and electrifying. Of course, after many years together, it is normal for these feelings to slowly fade and simmer down, but they should never completely disappear from your relationship. So, make sure you preserve those early moments when you first fell deeply for each other. You can keep those sparks in your relationship afloat with listening, communication, compromising and understanding your partner’s needs. Showing appreciation in different forms like gifts, compliments and … also never hurts.
Photos by George Liopetas for Ellwed Summer2019 Cover Shoot
Old love
Sometimes we are with someone just because it’s convenient or well know territory which has become a routine. This could be because you just got used to your significant other and things run smoothly without trouble and sometimes without passion as well. It can either be the deep kind of love or a relationship out of convenience. Can you tell which one is yours? However, don’t confuse these two circumstances, if your relationship truly is on autopilot. Dig deeper and see if you still have those feelings you had the very first time you met or when realised you two belong together. See if there still are some sparks in bed and outside of it. Ask yourself if you could stand to live without your partner, because true love doesn’t just fade away that easy. Sometimes spending some time apart can also clear your heads and bring the two of you back on track. Maybe visit your families for a week and see how it goes from there.

The one and only True love
Have you ever heard of the expression “unconditional love”? Well, the word unconditional can mean many things, but one thing is for sure. When we are talking about love, we mean “no matter what”! For better or worse as the wedding vows state. Sure we all have some conditions we want to have met, but when you truly love someone, you are willing to compromise on anything! And so should your partner. Trust me, you will know for sure when you truly love someone. All the dating games will not be important and all the standards you might had will be insignificant. When the true love of your life comes along, you will know. It might not be the love on first sight and it might feel different for everyone, but your gut will tell you what is really going on. Connect with the inner you and listen to yourself or your gut feeling on this one.

Hopefully while reading this, you already know for sure and you found your one and only who you want to marry. If not, next step is figuring out if your partner is the one! Find out in this blog post!