The New Age Modern Romance Ellwed No.12
How is 2020 treating you so far? The New Ellwed is OUT!
New Age Modern Romance Issue No.12 is all about the New Beginnings!
To be honest we had a great start with our amazing Ellwed bridal party at Bridal Fashion Week in Zappion (if you missed it, see it on page 141), the opportunity to attend DWP Congress and amazing new projects like ALCHIMEIA scheduled to happen! One of them was also the issue of this magazine! Well this all got postponed now because of this new pandemic we are all struggling with!
Sure, things don’t always go to plan. But that is ok! We deal with the situations when they arise! It is no news by now that all events are postponed. Especially the big ones like the Destination Wedding Planning Congress which is finally coming to Greece this year! So yeah. 2020 can feel a bit overwhelming… I am not going to lie. This year was so busy and at some point I also felt the burnout! Did you?

Look on the positive side
So how do we deal with this? One thing I always say is to look on the positive side. See the glass half full instead of half empty. Then take the time to be grateful for what you have! Oprah said “I started out giving thanks for small things, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That’s because — for sure — what you focus on expands. When you focus on the goodness in life, you create more of it.”
Be thankful for your life, for your health, your home, family, your pets, your food, even your phone and the technological advances we get to experience! Because this means we have a chance to live and thrive! Yes your life was probably turned upside down, but that doesn’t mean it’s over! This is the time for the creative souls to seize this opportunity and to create new amazing projects.
The time for new ideas new trends and new age weddings has arrived! These are some unprecedented times we are living in and the situation is difficult for many. But cherish this time you got to stay at home, be creative, be productive and spend some time with your family as you will never get it back! Take some time off and just live in the moment! Binge-watch the series and spend valuable time together with your family while cooking delicious meals! Hey, we only live once!
In this issue!
In this issue, we hope to inspire you for your new age wedding! Break the norms and do what is really important to you! And my goodness, this issue is our biggest yet and filled with so much inspiration and useful advice. Check out the article on New Age Wedding Receptions on page 53
You might have seen all the new covers of vogue with masked kisses and the just WHITE! How clever is this one? Well we want to give you some hope for your wedding! That is why we are going with this crazy fun cover of…OMG…me! I still cannot believe I am on THE COVER!!? One thing that we want to change, is to put more of real happy brides on the cover!
Therefore, if you are a real bride and think your wedding deserves the spotlight to be on the cover, send it over! So you can also get to experience this feeling like me! Or like a true celebrity! How exciting is this?! I cannot wait to see and select your wedding for our next cover! Read the full story of our intimate New Age Modern Romance on page 99.

Lately I have been listening to a lot of podcasts on wedding business and one common message coming across all platforms was to always be reinventing yourself! And so, I am super proud to share with you this new reinvented issue! Not only the design, but also our articles are filled with metamorphosis and rebirth! And when better than now, after we all went through the process of reawakening globally! Check out the new trend swooping the wedding and fashion world: Butterflies. On page 43.

One other amazing news to share with you is our new project! Our own podcast, the first one to talk about destination weddings in Greece! Check out Ellwed Talks on your favourite podcast platform or Read more on page 131.