Exclusive Interview with Vassilis Stratigos Fashion Hairstylist
Vassilis Stratigos is a Fashion Hairstylist from Athens Greece. With applied arts and industrial design background, Vassilis studied professional hairstyling in Italy and Greece. As a fashion hairstylist, Vassilis was the Official Hairstylist of L’Oreal Paris in Greece for 3 years and is now also the hairstylist of a local TV presenter. He has worked on multiple cover shoots for magazines such as Vogue, Grazia, Madame Figaro, and many others. Vassilis will also be the main hairstylist at our retreat for photographers and cinematographers ALCHIMEIA!
But now, he will give us some tips, on how to keep your hair looking like from a magazine in this exclusive interview for Ellwed!
So let’s dive right into it and get to know Vassilis Stratigos, Fashion Hairstylist!

What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is certainly creativity. I believe that creativity is the best boost at any job. It never makes you bored, instead it always makes you passionate about what you are doing.
You are also working with many celebrities but mainly as a fashion hairstylist. However, if someone wants to hire you for their wedding can you serve them as well?
My main field was, is and always will be fashion. In a small market like the Greek market is unavoidable to become a hairstylist for celebrities as well when working in fashion hairstyling. Which is fine because it gives you publicity and a chance to grow your business.
All that leads to be requested from brides as well. I’m very, very happy to serve them! It’s always a pleasure, fun and an honour to style bride’s hair.

What hairstyles do you suggest for summer destination brides? Should they be considering having their hair up or more relaxed and flowy?
Summer is the season of freedom. Bridal hair should reflect that feeling as well.
I love a relaxed and flowy hair for summer destination brides. The only factor that could make me go for an updo is the wind!
What trends do you see picking up in the world of hairstyling in Greece?
Greece has the same trends in every season as all modern countries. Only colors of hair should be adapted to person’s natural or tanned skin tones. They should prefer more warm tones for their hair either they are brunettes or blonds.
Long or short bobs are in the front line and loose waves are the “it” hairstyle along with “do-it-yourself” updos and ponytails.

How is this pandemic affecting you and how are you currently dealing with this process?
The pandemic was a strange situation for all of us and has affected every working person.
Personally I’m always optimistic and I tried to stay calm during this period.
Fortunately hairstyling is always in demand. In that case there is still plenty of work for me. I’m doing my best to protect myself, my clients and my colleagues of course. The use of a mask and visor as well as sterilization of my tools and personal hygiene are a must!!!
Is there something all women who are visiting hairdressers should pay attention to in these days of Covid-19? What preventative measures do you suggest?
Of course! They should always check if their hairdressers wear their masks, visors, gloves etc. They also shouldn’t stay in a salon with more than the defined persons.
Clients should also wear their masks when necessary.
The most important preventative measure for me, is to be responsible for ourselves. That way we can be responsible for other people as well.
What is the one thing that drives you in your line of work and where do you find inspiration?
Every day I try to spend at least half an hour watching new things about my profession to learn and grow. Being updated is very important.
My inspiration can be anything. A painting, a song, a movie, a person or a vintage campaign.
And for the last question. Vassilis, as a Fashion Hairstylist what advice would you give to someone who wants to get married in Greece and will hire a hairstylist?
Greece has a lot of talented people working in weddings and events. Including hairstylists as well.
One who is interested in booking a Greek hairstylist should check their social media first and their resume.
Availability should be checked right away, not at the last minute.
For me, personal contact is really important. It would be great if you can meet your hairstylist before the trial or the wedding. If not, one should provide them with all the details, wishes and requirements possible.

If someone wants to get in touch with you, where can they find you?
You can get in touch with me through:
Instagram: @stratigos_vassilis
Facebook: vassilis stratigos hairstylist
My email: stratigosvassilis (@) gmail.com