Healthy glowing skin is so important, especially for your wedding day!
So take a look at these ideas you can do, to keep your skin glowing!
The interview with Mariya Onopriienko was conducted and translated by Natalie Naumenko for Ellwed Magazine.
Mariya Onopriienko is a professional cosmetologist from Ukraine with Masters in Microbiology. She loves making women beautiful and thinks that beauty can save the world. Let’s see what she suggests!
The first problem a woman faces while travelling somewhere is dull skin after the flight. What are the care tips that every lady must know about?
First of all, let me explain why we experience such things with our skin. Unfortunately the altitude makes the humidity level higher by two or even three times than what we are used to. Therefore our metabolism slows down resulting in lymphatic congestion. Which is why you feel so swollen after a flight. So, the main tip is to start with just enough water before and during your trip, and by water I mean only water, try to completely cut the consumption of coffee and alcohol, since they tend to drain your body (even though you might not feel it).
However, if it’s too late for number one (or you just couldn’t deny some great wine on board, we get it, you are getting ready for the celebration), do the next steps when you arrive at the hotel. Grab your favourite moisturising mask and afterwards do the three-time-a-day routine with your face cream. Also a quick-working solution here is to use serums with hyaluronic acid, if you still don’t own one, I suggest going to the nearest pharmacy, they are not expensive but work very well.

Wow, that sounds interesting (here I put a note in my planner to go get a serum for myself). You mentioned that we should use our favourite face mask but what to do if you don’t have any of your face care stuff with you? Is it possible to improve your skin with products you can find at every home?
Of course! Affordable, natural and always there for you. You can make your own fruit mask, using mashed banana or strawberry. Fruits are full of vitamins so if you need a moisturiser, that would do. Vegetable masks will help calm down your skin in case you’ve had irritated it with some product before and turned out with small redness, while masks with herbs are perfect for giving you some glow and reduce that dull look of the skin. Would you like me to share my favourite home-made mask recipes with you?

I am sure we would all be glad to learn about them!
Great. Here are the top 3 that I personally make from time to time.
Okay, I’ll start with the powerful moisturiser. This 21st century lifestyle we are all going through, unfortunately involves a lot of everyday stress which can deeply affect our skin. The worst thing is that women usually notice this when it’s too late and cannot fix it with masks. This mask is good to use regularly as a precaution to protect your skin.
You will need: 1tbsp of olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 2 drops of orange juice. Mix, keep on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
The second one is for a fresher look (when you feel like you haven’t had proper sleep in days chasing a deadline but you don’t want other people to notice this).
You need to: peel a cucumber, grate or mash it and put on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
Last one is a deep cleanser, don’t make it more often than once every 10 days.
You need: 2 tbsp of oatmeal, grind it up in a coffee grinder, add 1 tbsp of warm milk (not hot, not cold!) put on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

I can’t believe there are so many natural ways to take care of your skin! I have one more important question to ask you; how do we get rid of under eye swelling or dark circles without makeup? Let’s say, we take concealer out of the game. I am sure every woman has faced this problem at least once.
Oh yes, I was expecting something like this. Usually, under-eye fillers are the second popular procedure I am asked to do. But to those who aren’t ready for that yet or just prefer to omit needles I have a very good solution. Of course, there are tons of different eye creams, serums, gels but the best way to give your face that fresh glow and hide dark circles is to use eye patches. There are many kinds of patches so let me explain which ones would specifically fix your problem.
Let’s see it according to the ingredients:
- Patches with glycerin and hyaluronic acid are great moisturizers
- Collagen, antioxidants and elastin are for smoothing the skin
- Peptides, aloe and green tea extracts eliminate periorbital puffiness. But if you experience this quite often, you should visit your doctor.
- Caffeine and wine acid fight dark circles, for better result put them in the fridge for 15 minutes before using.
- Panthenol and peppermint essential oil work against face fatigue
There are two types of eye patches: hydrogel and sheet eye masks. Hydrogel eye patches have jello-like texture which melts due to the body temperature, resulting in moisturising and anti-wrinkle effect. Sheet eye masks are made of pure cotton which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles when gets dry.
5 easy tips:
1) Avoid using patches on blemishes, pimples, irritated or sunburned skin
2) Make sure to clean your face before usage
3) Do not remove the remaining liquid when you take off the patches, slowly massage it into your skin
4) For better results use eye patches 1-2 times per week
5) Even though the results might be visible after the 1st usage, don’t expect the miracle to happen and if you already have deep wrinkles, you better go to a cosmetologist, let a professional take care of it.

Great! We have spoken about wrinkles, dark circles, but I have in mind something that can literally cripple a girl on any special day. Yes, I am talking about that random pimple that suddenly appears a night before the Big day. Usually, somewhere in the middle of the face. So, is there any way to make it less visible not speaking of totally getting rid of it?
Well, all the pimples that appear on the face are the result of inflammation, therefore it’s not possible even in theory to make it totally disappear in one day. But of course, I have a solution. The situation can be fixed by the reduction of pimple swelling and redness, hence it will be easier to conceal with makeup.
A very quick and easy method is to first apply zinc ointment (redness combat) and then, after cleaning your face, to use some aloe vera gel from the plant (if you have one at home) or an essential oil to diminish the size of the pimple. Please consult your cosmetologist before using any medicine on your face.

Thank you very much for your professional advice, I am sure it will come in very useful. And don’t forget, ladies, our beauty comes from inside, so let that smile rock your day!
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